lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014



As a good Islamic country, social, cultural and economic activities in Egypt are centered around religion. Egyptians are gracious and hospitable and require a warm welcome by the visitors.

Meeting Etiquette

As a custom in Egypt is important to shake hands when greeting and do it before any dialogue because they consider it a gesture of respect.
  • The handshakes are the customary greeting among individuals of the same sex. Handshakes are somewhat limp and prolonged, although they are always given with a hearty smile and direct eye contact.

  • Once a relationship has developed, it is common to kiss on one cheek and then the other while shaking hands, men with men and women with women.

  • In any greeting between men and women, the woman must extend her hand first. If she does not, a man should bow his head in greeting.

Is important to respect the culture of this country, for example in Egypt is banned the public demonstrations of love. if you are a visitor you must follow the culture rules because while you to behave politely and patiently, Egyptians will make you feel at home.

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014



Egypt is the most populated arab country, the president of it has directed the country for 30 years.
Egypt is a country located in northern Africa along the Mediterranean and Red Seas. It has limit for the east with israel (Sinai), for the west with Libya, for the south with Sudan and for the North with the mediterranean sea, In egypt you can find the sahara desert.  Egypt is known for its ancient history, desert landscapes and large pyramids.

General Data:
-Population: The current population of the Arab Republic of Egypt is estimated to be approximately 84.55 million people, which is an increase of about 2.4% from the last record of the population.
-Capital: Cairo
-Area: 386,662 square miles (1,001,450 sq km)
-Coastline: 1,522 miles (2,450 km)
-Highest Point: Mount Catherine at 8,625 feet (2,629 m)
-Lowest Point: Qattara Depression at -436 feet (-133 m).

The Colour and The Egyptians

The Colour And The Egyptians

In ancient Egypt the colour had an important symbolic load and now you can see this in the pictures like frescoes and murals, also in books, jewelry, clothing and the architecture.

There were six great colours in Egypt:

The first colour is red (desher), the basis for
this color (red meat and red ocher) was given to the oxidation of iron. This was consider like a powerful colour, it represented the barren land and the desert. In addition it was used to express the victory, however it was a symbol of fury and fire. The red could be used in celebrations to symbolize devotion and dedication to achieve goals but also could have meaning anger, destruction and death.

The second is green (wadj), the tone was obtained from copper ore powder. It was considered like a positive colour, also it is associated with the fertility, growth and regeneration, besides this is the colour or the life and joy.

Eye of Horus

The third colour is blue (khesbedj), the colour was 
obtained by combining copper oxide, iron and 
calcium. The blue of lapislázuli symbolize hair of 
Egyptian deities, however the aqua is the sea 
colour, the promise of a new existence and the
purifying water. This colour could represent the 
sky, the primeval flood and the renaissance,
fertility and life.         


Another colour is yellow (kenit), it was obtained
from natural ochre and oxid. This colour represent
the sun and it was perceived as eternal also symbolize
the gold (used to make statues and paintings of gods).


The next colour is black (khem), was mined charcoal, burnt bones of animals or soot, The black symbolizethe underworld, death, the night, however some times it was used to represent the resurrection and fertility.
Osiris was a god, he was recognized like "the black" because he was the King of beyond. In addition Egypt was considered the black earth by the dark colour of the Nile Valley.

To finish, an important colour is white (shesep), was obtained from the gypsum, this wonderful colour represent the purity and a higher power, it was used 
in rituals and sacred ceremonies. It symbolize cleaning, ritual purity and sacredness. The Egyptians wore white clothes and some sacred animals representing
 this colour.

With the combination of this colours others were obtained as gray, pink, brown and orange.

Major Celebrations of Egypt

Major Celebrations of Egypt

Egypt is predominantly Muslim but with a small minority Christians and the other religions, what makes Egypt an exciting destination for religious, secular and ancient cultural festival.  In this celebration performed many and strict rituals. Within these rituals are:

·         January
o   January 1: Aid Sana Al Guedid / New Year's party, according to the Gregorian calendar.
·         February
o   9-12 of February: Eid Al-Adha / Feast of Sacrifice or Festival of Sacrifice.
·         March
o   March or April: Coptic Easter. The first Sunday after the spring equinox after (March 21) full moon the Christian Easter or the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated.  
·         April
o   April 16: The Sham Nesim / Spring Festival. The beginning of spring is celebrated.
o   April 25: Aid Sina Tahrir / Liberation Day Sinai..
·         May
o   May 1: Aid Al Aamal / International Labour Day
·         June
o   June 18: Aid Al Galaa. The withdrawal of the British army of 1922 is celebrated after they took control of the government as a protectorate by 1882.  

·         July
o   July 18: Day of the Prophet.
o   July 23: Aid Zaura / Revolution Day of Egypt.
·         August
o   Mid-August. Wafaa Al Nil / Fidelity Nile On the occasion of the flooding of the Nile River, is the only party place Pharaonic origin.
·         October
o   October 6: Eid Al Kawat Maslaha / Day of the Armed Forces. Egypt's surprise attack against Israel is recalled in 1973 to regain the Sinai Peninsula.
o   October 24: Aid Al Madina Suez. Celebrating Israel's rejection of entry in 1973 to the city of Suez.
·         November
o   November 28: Leilat al-Meiraj / Ascension of Mohammed.
·         December
o   December 23: Aid Al Nasr / El Triunfo or Victory Day.
o   December 18: Muharraq / Muslim New Year.
o   Dates to be held in the new Islamic year in the coming years: December 18, 2009, December 7, 2010, November 26, 2011, November 15, 2012.
o   Variable Date: Month of Ramadan / Fasting Month Moslem.