martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014


Welcome again, this time we gonna talk about globalization.

Egypt, has been one of the crawdles of the world, and also one of the biggest leaders of the arab world, as they paper in this society provides a strong narrative highlighting the challenges and successes of globalization. On the one hand, the country has transformed itself economically, from a centrally administered economy to a free-market economy, through the intervention of the World Bank. This transition has been difficult and many felt left behind when government services were cut and the prices of everyday goods and services rose.
The religious aspects divide and the young and old divide are apparent in conversations throughout the Egyptian athmosphere about religion and politics, and especially about the use of language. The Internet is changing how young Egyptians express themselves, often merging Egyptian Arabic with English, with new terms and words.

Issues such as climate change, HIV/AIDs, and energy and economic development, are being addressed by the government, with varying success. Similar to issues of cultural globalization, these issues are being debated by the Egyptian press, which has become quite vibrant.

But instead they are developing, they also have some old tabús, like when a woman walk in the street alone: 

This is the panorama when a woman walks in one of the msot common bridges in El Cairo, and still  being worst than the video 'cause the culture is not adapting to the globalization. 

Besides all this things, Egypt continues being one of the most developing countries in all the world

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