sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014


Welcome again.
We gonna talk somethings about egyptian mytology.
You may know that Egypt is a misterious country, they are one of the crowls of our world, and was there were born the letters and also the first writing.
They are a ver mythological country; It is a universal fract that the myths of all cultures are the attempts of people to explain the world in which they live. So too, are the myths of ancient Egypt. Within the great epic myths are explained many smaller mysteries of life along the Nile.
One of the most knowed myth is The stoy of RE;

The Story of Re
This is the story of the water called "Nun" and the great shining egg called "Re." Re took the shape of a man and became the first Pharaoh, ruling for thousands of years.
But as he grew older, people laughed at him and no longer obeyed this rules, so Re had a daughter who he sent out to slay those who had disobeyed him. After a while Re decided to take back his daughter's powers.
Re grew old but he found Isis, a magician, who was able to protect him from snakebite and who gave him peace.

Isis and Osiris
Osiris was a popular ruler who had an evil brother named Seth who created a custom coffin and convinced Osiris to get in. The sealed coffin was eventually found by Isis, Osiris' wife, under a tree; however, the body was no longer in the coffin since Seth had scattered the parts of Osiris throughout Egypt.
Isis was able to put Osiris back together and they had a son named Horus. Horus grew up and went out to battle to find Set and avenge the death of his father. Neither one won.
Osiris was declared king of the underworld, Horus was named king of the living and Set became ruler of the deserts and the god of chaos and evil.

The Prince and the Sphinx
The King of Egypt, Son of Ra, had many sons. His favorite was Thutmose; but, Thutmose was not designated to be the next King.
One day Thutmose came across the Great Sphinx which was covered in sand up to its neck. Thutmose sat down by the Great Sphinx and took a nap. While napping he dreamed that the Sphinx told Thutmose that he would be king if he uncovered the Great Sphinx.

When Thutmose woke up he remembered his dream and promised to uncover the Sphinx. He eventually became the King of Egypt.

Wow! don't you think that they are very creative? 
G. L. A .J

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